MisterGis Geomarketing real estate. In times of the housing bubble.

Ramesh Ali Bojorges

Dirección MisterGis LAM Geomarketing International Ciudad de México / Socio MisterGis Real Estate Cancun.


agosto 31, 2020

This is where real estate geomarketing comes into play. In times of the real estate bubble the need for a geo-information plan to carry out our projects was not essential. However, now it is essential to know how people behave in potential business areas, what they demand, what are their economic capacities, the age of the population and many other factors that can be decisive for the success of a project or promotion. 

The geographical and socio-demographic component in strategic decision-making at all levels, from the choice of land, to the type of construction or promotional marketing actions. The solution consists of the creation of an application based on GIS On-line, which allows to view population and sociodemographic data at the census section level to evaluate the best areas for the development of real estate projects. 

To all this we add internal data of the company itself to draw reports, create thematic maps and carry out studies that allow us to get closer to our potential buyers and to know the sales potential of the real estate market by area. which allows us to be working behind so that the data and associated digital maps are always fully updated. 

They can also import their own data, create their own reports, and run their own reports without having a great deal of GIS knowledge. All companies and developers can have access to MisterGis Bigdata, so each department squeezes it based on their interests. 



评论MisterGis国际地理营销国际总监Julian Ledon许多公司举办醒目的活动,在交通信号灯上展示横幅或分发小册子以吸引对其品牌的关注。这种营销方式称为“街头营销”(Street Marketing),它是一种BTL(“线下”;“线下”)技术,已被定义为与大众媒体用来宣传自身的技术区分开来。称为ATL(在线上方;在线上方)。 BTL包括通过创造力,惊喜和机会使用针对特定细分市场的交流形式。目的是创建新颖的渠道来传达所需的消息,无论是广告,公司信息还是品牌知名度。...



月日至月日,美洲杯和歐洲錦標賽的不確定性也在隱約出現,這是由於新病毒導致世界變得不確定,一些體育賽事被重新安排,其他賽事可能被取消。並將在多個站點中競爭。首場比賽將在阿根廷和哥倫比亞舉行,第二場比賽將在個國家進行。  “目前看來,這種情況正在增加。如果比賽必須推遲或在沒有觀眾的情況下進行一段時間,直到比賽順利結束,那麼我們就必須這樣做。”墨西哥足球對於這種大流行並不陌生,2009年是對於甲型H1N1流感,在第15個截止日期關了三場比賽。但是一周後,第16天比賽被暫停。...

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